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Welcome to the Adult Learn to Sail Program!

Our Adult Learn to Sail program is a member volunteer driven set of personalized sailing lessons.

We use small group lessons paired with personal goals to tailor the lessons to meet your sailing needs. SMSA Adult Learn to Sail classes are designed for beginner sailors at SMSA. We offer classroom based instruction for new sailors to familiarize themselves with the concepts, terms and safety considerations of sailing. We offer on the water training for adults looking to gain sailing experience. No previous sailing or boating experience is required.

Lessons can be taught on Holder 20s, Sunfish, and 420s.

The Adult Learn to Sail program is open to any adult SMSA member interested in learning or improving their sailing skills.

Email to get more information about upcoming opportunities.

Sailing Classes

Format of Classes

Shore Based Classes:
We offer 4 hours of classroom instruction for students before on the water lessons. These are intended to familiarize you with the sailing safety and language so that you understand what the on the water instructors are teaching you. The classroom sessions are broken into 2 parts (Part 1 & Part 2). Sign up for shore based instructions does not need to be in consecutive sessions. If you can attend 2 classes in 1 week or 1 class over multiple weeks either is OK. We do expect students to show up for the shore based instruction prior to signing up for on the water instruction.

On the Water Classes:
Once you've completed your Shore Based Classes it is time to hit the water. In these sessions you will be on a boat in with an instructor and up to two other students. You will learn and practice skills at your own pace. You and your instructor will review your skills checklist and work towards improving your skills in your particular areas of need. Students should plan to attend no less than 4 on the water sessions. You may sign up for any on the water sessions that fit your schedule.

Pricing and Costs

Classroom SMSA sailing lessons are included with your membership to SMSA. Use of the club's sailboats is also included in your membership.
You are responsible for providing your own personal safety gear (life jackets, rain gear etc..)
Classroom textbooks are provided for use at no charge. If you would like to keep a copy of the textbooks you may purchase them ($20).
"On the Water" classes have an administration fee of $10/person per day.

Boat Check Outs

Once you and your instructor have reviewed your "On the Water" skills and you've met the minimum criteria you may check out SMSA boats to sail on your own, with qualified crews. EVERY SAILOR IS DIFFERENT and we cannot guarantee a specific amount of time it will take you to learn any of the required skills. New sailors should anticipate no less than 4 sessions on the water prior to being checked out to sign a boat without an instructor or other qualified sailor.

Student Certifications

Our classes are not intended to provide students with any form of licensing or certifications.

2024 Session Dates

All sessions meet at the SMSA Clubhouse

The shore sessions are part A and part B - you may attend as many as you wish. It's preferred to attend part A first, but isn't absolutely necessary.

Shore - Part A

6:00pm - 8:00pm

Mon, April 22, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Mon, May 20, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Sat, Jun 15, 9am - 1pm [enlarged time block to include on the water sailing]
Mon, July 29, 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Shore - Part B

Mon, April 29, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Mon, June 3, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Sat, Jun 22, 9am - 1pm [enlarged time block to include on the water sailing]
Mon, Aug 12, 6:00pm - 8:00pm

On the Water Sailing Session (Admin fee of $10)

Note: On the Water sessions are currently scheduled on Friday evenings from 5 - 7:30pm. Other times can be scheduled on request.

Sign up for Adult Learn to Sail

Want to Help Out?

Please contact us at